The student conduct process strives to maintain an educational environment, protecting the rights of others, while holding individual students accountable for their actions in a positive, educational manner.
The University has jurisdiction over behavior off campus. Our main concerns are serious behaviors and/or behaviors that may have an effect on the University community. So, even if it happens off campus, it may still be a violation of the Student Conduct Code, which will be handled by the Office of Student Conduct.
The legal system and the Student Conduct Process are two different entities. The Student Conduct process focuses on violations of the Code of Student Conduct and must be completed if a student wants to stay in good standing at UNA. Outcomes of legal proceedings have no impact on the outcome of the Student Conduct Process.
Anyone can submit a report to the Office of Student Conduct if they know of or have witnessed a potential violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Students, Faculty, Staff, and/or community members are encouraged to submit reports via:http://ocy1.sydotnet.net/student-conduct/forms.html
The Office of Student Conduct receives reports and will review them to determine whether there is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. If it is determined there was a violation, the Student Conduct Process begins and will be carried out by the Director of the Office of Student Conduct or his/her designee.
The Student Conduct staff member may make a decision concerning the outcome of the incident based off of the information that is present without the benefit of your involvement and perspective.
Additional sanctions may be added. In some situations, failure to complete sanctions may result in suspension or expulsion from the University. In addition, a hold will be placed on your registration and records. Remember that sanctions are placed as a result of your violation of the Student Conduct Code and are designed to educate you about the expectations and norms of the University community.
A student found responsible for a Code of Conduct violation may appeal the outcome of the Student Conduct Process by submitting an appeal to the Director of the Office of Student Conduct within three days of receiving official notice of that outcome. Students may appeal in writing on one or more of the following grounds:
- The conference/hearing was not conducted in accordance with established procedural standards. Significant procedural errors that have substantially affected the outcome of the hearing will be considered.
- The hearing was not conducted without bias or prejudice on the part of the decision maker/decision-making body. This may include, but is not limited to, a demonstration of a conflict of interest and/or failure to objectively evaluate all relevant information.
- To consider new evidence, unavailable during the original hearing or investigation, that could substantially impact the original finding or sanction [1].
- The sanctions imposed are extraordinarily disproportionate for this type of offense or the cumulative conduct record of the responding student.